Thursday, November 17, 2011

Road trip Nation

I just enrolled in class for next semester.  These classes will be my last classes that I will take as an undergraduate in ASU.  I am very excited, but a little apprehensive about the future and the decisions that I have to make.  As a way to explore my options earlier this semester I started to ask people around me who have careers and seem successful why and how they are where they are in their careers.  As I was talking to my manager one day she offered me some really great insight on settling and she also brought up a show.  Her advice based on her own experience was to never settle.  If you are not happy with your choice at the time change, but you must always be doing something.  If you are always working and working on yourself then really have nothing to complain about because one way or the other you are gaining something.  The show that she suggested to me gives the same messages.  The show centers on different groups of three recent college graduates before they settle into a career path.  These three individuals take an RV cross country and speak to people that they have deemed are successful.  Most are and most have similar stories.  Their stories go; graduated from college, worried about life, got a job they thought they were supposed to have, hated that job, found a career that they loved with a lot of struggling and questioning in between.  Since I started watching these people on their journeys I have worried a lot less.  If something is wrong I will know and I will change, but I must not stop questioning and working. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have an excellent manager who gives good advice. Thanks for sharing!
